Cockroaches In Pennsylvania

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Are there cockroaches in Pennsylvania? The answer is yes. There are more than 4,000 species of cockroach in the world so let’s take a closer look at the types of roaches in Pennsylvania and what you should do if you find these insects in your business or home.

American Cockroaches

Are American cockroaches dangerous?

The short answer is yes. When they enter a house or business, they bring with them some serious health risks including Salmonella and E. coli as well as many other types of bacteria. They can even introduce several kinds of human pathogens and parasitic worms. Cockroach fecal matter, urine and saliva have been linked to asthma attacks and allergic reactions. Children usually are extremely sensitive to asthma and allergies triggered by this roach and others.

Where do American cockroaches like to hide?

Even though American cockroaches predominately live outside underneath piles of mulch and under flowerbeds, a lot of the time they move indoors when the weather dramatically changes (like when winter in Pennsylvania arrives) and when food shortages happen.

Inside businesses and homes, American roaches prefer areas that are humid, warm and with no sunlight. Common hiding places for this type of roach are:

  • Under or behind appliances
  • Kitchens and other food prep areas
  • Laundry rooms
  • Basements
  • Storage areas
  • Drains

What do American roaches look like?

American roaches are the largest house-infecting roach in America. They reach lengths of up to two-inches and more. American roaches are also known as water bugs and palmetto bugs. American cockroaches are usually a reddish-brown color and have a yellowish figure 8 pattern on the back of their heads. They also have six legs and are equipped with antennae. This specific roach also has wings that makes it possible to fly short distances.

German Cockroaches

Are German cockroaches dangerous to your health?

Just like most types of cockroaches, German roaches are a threat to your health. These roaches can cause asthma attacks and allergic reactions just like the American cockroach. German cockroaches can also spread parasitic worms, several human pathogens and over 30 different types of bacteria. Gastroenteritis illnesses, diarrhea and food poisoning are commonly time and time again are connected to German cockroaches.

Where do German cockroaches hide?

Just like the American cockroach, German cockroaches will look for areas that are humid, close to water and food sources and also areas that are warm. You may find these pests in spaces where people consume beverages and food, living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, commercial and residential kitchens and other related areas as well.

What German cockroaches look like

German cockroach are the most common roach infesting businesses and homes in Pennsylvania, unlike the American cockroach. This cockroach has two dark parallel stripes that extend down the back from the top of their head and are tan in color or light brown. They can grow up to 5/8″ in length. The adult German cockroaches have wings, antennae and six legs. These roaches tend to crawl more than fly, even though they can actually fly.

How To Tell If You Are Experiencing A Cockroach Problem

  • Smear marks – cockroaches frequently leave nonuniform, dark smears on surfaces where they are most active.
  • Eggs
  • Although cockroach eggs are rather tiny, you can sometimes see cockroach eggs that are out in the open and not hidden. Cockroach eggs are reddish-brown in color and only a few 3-4 millimeters long.
  • Droppings
  • Depending on the species, you may see droppings that look like cylindrical blunt ends or something that bear a resemblance to pepper or coffee grounds.

Some ways to prevent a cockroach infestation are:

  • Intensely cleaning and sanitizing regularly
  • On the exterior of your business or home, seal all potential openings
  • Eliminating all issues related to moisture
  • Ridding your business or home of clutter
  • Get rid of cockroaches with help from Gladiator Pest Control

If you’re experiencing a cockroach problem in your business or home, contact Gladiator Pest Control for assistance. We offer commercial and residential pest control services that get rid of roaches in West Chester, PA, Kennett Square, PA, Oxford, PA, Garnet Valley, PA and in other local communities throughout our multi-county service area. Gladiator Pest Control is locally owned and operated and is your best choice for cockroach pest control!